Saturday, December 20, 2008

Well, we made it to Cambodia. We have spent the last three days on airplanes and buses and we finally arrived in Phnom Penh this afternoon. It has been a long three days, but I have loved every minute of it. Cambodia is absolutely incredible! We were able to see a lot of the countryside on our long bus rides and it is so beautiful.
On our way down here to Phnom Penh we stopped at a rest stop and there were people selling fruit and meat and things to eat...among those things were fried grasshoppers, crickets and turantulas. They had tons of live turantulas crawling around in a huge wicker basket and they just fry them up and eat them. Competely disgusting. But we figured hey, it's not too often you're in a place that eats things like this so why not eat monsterous spiders while we have the chance? So we did...we ate one. It actually didn't taste too bad, but the thought that I had spider legs in my mouth was a little much for me to handle.

1 comment:

Kylee Adam said...

Brittany Buns, holy smokers you be safe in Cambodia! Sounds like you are having a jolly good time. Well because I cannot call you (which I totally wish I could) I thought I would inform you at this time my dear sister that.... You are going to be an Aunt!!! Yes, I'M PREGNANT!!!!! OMG I am so excited. I wish I could talk to u so dang bad. Anyways, you'll be home soon. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. I miss you!