Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Night Out On The Town

This is our new favorite place to hang out on the weekends. Apparently they have really good nachos with homemade salsa, but I have yet to try them because they are always out. I have been having major Mexican food withdrawals for a while now. Can someone please look into sending me a burrito? It would be much appreciated.

This is Timo...or Tibo...or Tivo...we can't really decide. But he lives a couple buildings away from us in our community and we had just met him earlier that same day. Anna and I were sitting in our little reading nook and she looked out the window and was like "Dang, that's definitely not an Asian." She flung open the window and started asking him about his dog, meanwhile the rest of us had our faces pressed up against the window drooling (the lack of testosterone here has made all of us slightly crazy. We freak out when we see - or smell for that matter - something even remotely attractive). So that night we are sitting at the pub and Anna was talking about our little encounter with the hot foreigner and seriously not five minutes later he walked up to our table and was like "Didn't I talk to you earlier today?" What are the odds.

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