Friday, August 7, 2009

should I call him?


This little gem was stuck on my computer at work this morning. Apparently, Shawn was one of the guys that came in to clean the carpets at my work last night. He didn't say one word to me, but I'm sure we're soul mates. Thanks for the ego boost, Shawn the carpet guy.


The Gillen's said...

ha ha! Do it! It wouldn't hurt, and you never know. It could end up being a funny story. (If you got married or even if it is just one date). Hehe.

Kelli K said...

thats awesome. call him just for leaving a hot pink sticky note on your computer. good man.

Lauren and Carter said...

yeah, I totally think you should call him. This is my rule: (before I was married, anyway.) Never turn down a first date. (Unless you have reason to believe he's a predator.) Even if he's a loser - you just got a free dinner. (Or some other cool activity.)
PS Did I think Carter and I were soulmates when he asked me out? No. I didn't even think we'd get along. But I followed my rule, and look what happened. :)

Rachel said...

i must have been gone when the carpets got cleaned...hilarious! you should call, this was almost two weeks ago, maybe you already have?! :)

Unknown said...

FOR SURE DUDE! thats hilarious.