Well my time here in China is winding down fast. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things. What on earth could be bigger and better than China?! you might ask... why Thailand and Cambodia of course! Meighan and I bought our tickets to Bangkok today. While we are enjoying the short time we have left here in China, we can't help but look forward to and day dream about the awesome things we will get to do on our next travel adventures.
Teaching has become such a joy for me and I have really grown to love the kids. Having such few students enrolled in our school has turned out to be a great advantage for us. I have been able to get to know each child individually and they are all so different, but so adorable. It is definitely going to be tough to leave them.
Our next couple weeks here are going to be dotted with sporadic Christmas celebrations and going away parties, but for the most part we are going to be doing what we regularly do - just hanging out and having fun together. I miss everyone back home and hope you are all having a fantastic Christmas season!